Sunday, June 10, 2012

How To Create Nail Marbling Effects

Welcome to the "How To Create Nail Marbling Effects"tutorial.

What you need:
-A glass
-2 or more nail varnishes
-A toothpick
-Clear base and top coat
- Cotton bud

Step 1: Apply base coat

Step 2: Apply one or two coats of your desired nail varnish

Step 3: Fill the glass with water.

Step 4: Put a few drops of nail varnish in the water, the better the quality the better the effect! :)
You can use different colors to do this.

Step 5: With the toothpick make the design you want in the water.

Step 6: Take the cotton bud and remove unwanted nail varnish from the design.

Step 7: Place your nail on top on the water for about 5-10 seconds without moving it.

Step 8: Remove nail from water.

Step 9: When dry apply top coat.

That was my little "How To Create Nail Marbling Effects" tutorial. :)
Feel free to leave comments or to contact me if you want me to do any more tutorials. xx :)